Addressing FIX Protocol Testing Challenges for one of the leading commodity exchange!

addressing fix protocol testing challenges for one of the leading commodity exchange

FIX testing is a complete toolset to automate testing of FIX protocol systems. One of a leading multi-commodity exchange in India, provides a platform for market participants to trade in commodity derivatives. The exchange started feeling the heat due to the complexity of testing multiple trading environment for each trade and it was in need to transform this challenge into an opportunity.

Business Challenges

The complexities arose due to the validation of all exchange related services from Pre-Trade to Post-Trade and maintaining its consistencies with the counterparties, which caused difficulty in generating, maintaining and integrating the test environment. The multiple Exchange Gateway handled high volume market data processing, which was tested under various challenges. And automating this entire FIX protocol testing process has incurred high cost. The longer test cycles delayed the entry to the production environment, thus increased the risk in business continuity.

Proposed Solution

So, PhiFIX team understood the pain areas and Implemented PhiFIX, a FIX protocol Testing Suite to mitigate the business challenges with the following solutions

  • Multi-level Test case validations
  • Multi-protocol supportive
  • Migration of test scenarios in one click
  • Functional Test automation
  • Test Result and Archive result with GUI report
  • Customized FIX dialects
  • Test multiple gateways

Business Benefits

Through the proposed solutions and our domain expertise and deep understanding of trading functionalities, the Exchange has achieved the following results using PhiFIX Test Suite

  • Measured order handling time
  • Single test solution for multi- protocol (FIX & FAST)
  • Increase their testing accuracy & QoS
  • Accelerated test results
  • Faster time to market
  • Improvement of testing efficiency
  • Reducing the operational expenses

PhiFIX helped the commodity Exchange to get an edge over its competition with the testing application, which performed seamlessly in real time and adapted holistic testing strategy.

To know more about how PhiFIX enables the opportunities, write to us or schedule a call.

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